Fly-(fli): 1.(Adj.) Of or having to do with extreme coolness. More radical than most can deal with! See Also: Hip-Hop, Groovy, Nifty, etc. Here is a new batch of 3D color icons that I've drawn up, that are cool enough to be called "Fly Icons". I have some new Cartoon Personalities, some new Hard Disks, as well as a few Appletalk Remote derivatives, and of course numerous folders. As always, these icons are compressed with Stuffit Deluxe, to preserve the icons in the Finder for easy access. Use copy and paste to add them to new folders. Some notes: * Some people have experienced problems with what is called the "Icon Shuffle". This occurs when a large number of custom icons open into a single window. As far as I can tell, this is a bug in the Finder, because it has no discernable pattern. I've heard that the icons usually right themselves given time. * The new program Iconder, available at most of the archives, is an easy way for anyone to make quick custom folder icons. If you haven'tseen it yet, pick it up. If you have, you can now make your own 3D! custom icons, with a little ResEdit-ing. I have included 3 different resource files to add to Iconder to go from plain blue to "Fly 3D". (Usual ResEdit warnings apply!) Hope you enjoy the icons, and if you have suggestions (or new custom icons Iconder), please drop me a message! Moof! Matt Slot, CAEN Mac-Support